8:45 P.M. Ringing in the new year with a new Fellow Blogger !!! …




A clearly inebriated woman , stark naked , jumped into a 
taxi in New York City and laid on the back seat.


The cab driver , an old Jewish gentleman , opened his 
eyes wide and stared at the woman.

He made no attempt to start the cab. The woman 

glared back at him and said ,” What’s wrong with you ,
honey ?  Haven’t you ever seen a naked woman before ?
The old Jewish driver answered , ” Let me tell you sumsing ,
lady.  I vasn’t staring at you like you tink ; dat vould not
be proper.” 

The woman giggled and responded , ” Well , if you’re not

staring at my boobs or my butt , sweetie , what are you
doing then ? “

He paused a moment, then told her , ” Vell … M’am , I am 
looking and I am looking , and I am tinking to myself , 
vair in da hell is dis lady keeping de money to pay for dis ride ? “

Now , that’s a businessman

That one was the first of many I figure I’ll scoop from the latest blog I just put in the old ‘ roll … 
aaaWoodyLogo2 copy


2:12 P.M. He was elected for building a ‘ physical barrier ‘… Ditch the semantics !!! …

U.S. President Donald Trump long ago backed away from his campaign pledge to construct a wall along his country’s border with Mexico , his outgoing chief of staff said, as the president’s demand for ” border security ” funding triggered a partial government shutdown with no end in sight.

John Kelly , who will leave his post Wednesday after a tumultuous 17 months in the job , said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times that Trump abandoned the notion of ” a solid concrete wall early on in the administration “. It marked the starkest admission yet by the president’s inner circle that his signature campaign pledge , which sparked fervent chants of ” build that wall ” during Trump’s rallies and is now at the centre of a budgetary standoff , would not be fulfilled as advertised.

” To be honest , it’s not a wall ,” Kelly said, adding the mix of technological enhancements and ‘ steel slat ‘ barriers the president now wants along the border resulted from conversations with law enforcement professionals on the ground.

In August 2015 — during his presidential campaign — Trump had made his expectations for the border explicitly clear , as he parried criticism from then-rival Jeb Bush , the former Florida governor.

” Jeb Bush just talked about my border proposal to build a ‘ fence ‘” he tweeted. ” It’s not a fence , Jeb , it’s a WALL , and there’s a BIG difference ! “

But on Sunday White House counsellor Kellyanne Conway called discussion of the apparent contradiction ” a silly semantic argument “.

” There may be a wall in some places , there may be steel slats , there may be technological enhancements ,” Conway told Fox News Sunday. ” But only saying ‘ wall or no wall ‘ is being very disingenuous and turning a complete blind eye to what is a crisis at the border “.

Meanwhile , neither side appeared ready to budge off their negotiating positions. The two sides have had little direct contact during the stalemate , and Trump did not ask Republicans , who hold a monopoly on power in Washington until Jan. 3 , to keep Congress in session.

” It is with them ” she said , explaining that Trump is not reaching out to Democrats.

Democrats maintain that they have already presented the White House with three options to end the shutdown, none of which fund the wall , and insist that it’s Trump’s move.

After cancelling a vacation to his private Florida club , Trump spent the weekend at the White House. He has remained out of the public eye since returning early Thursday from a 29-hour visit to U.S. troops in Iraq, instead taking to Twitter to attack Democrats. He also moved to defend himself from criticism that he couldn’t deliver on the wall while the GOP controlled both the House and Senate.

Donald J. Trump


For those that naively ask why didn’t the Republicans get approval to build the Wall over the last year, it is because IN THE SENATE WE NEED 10 DEMOCRAT VOTES, and they will gives us “NONE” for Border Security! Now we have to do it the hard way, with a Shutdown. Too bad! @FoxNews

Trump had lunch Sunday with Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham , who said he hoped to end the shutdown by offering Democrats incentives to get them to vote for wall funding.

MORBNOTE ; Trump is sticking to his guns … Knowing this issue was a huge …   ( pardon the pun ! ) aspect of his election victory … He is also displaying ‘ compromise ‘ in order to facilitate it’s funding … ‘ Wall … Tall slats ‘ … WHATEVER !!! … Which is something the BS Media always accuses him of NOT doing …



1:07 P.M. 2018 Winding down …



Well … As per the last dozen or so … This will be just ‘ another night ‘ … With the only distinction of any merit is it’s the last of 2018 …

It won’t take much to make 2019 be a ‘ better ‘ year … So I have a smidgen of ‘ hope ‘ for it … Unfortunately that slight feeling is tempered by the possibility of things getting worse !!! …

Just have to plow on … First seeking , then seizing opportunity … That’s all one can set mind to …
