12:02 P.M. LIBERALS OVERBOARD !!! … Don’t bother with the lifesavers …

Today’s award goes to People Eating Tasty Animals People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ( PETA ). By overreacting in the most hysterically over-the-top way to a restaurant food promotion , they’ve ensured that a local ( one-city-only ) promotion has people talking about it all across the country.

Popeyes , a US fast-food fried chicken franchise , recently launched a promotion at Philadelphia’s airport. With all the fuss about fake ‘ emotional support animals ‘, the local operator figured that a play on words would help sell more chicken … So they started selling an ‘ emotional support chicken meal ‘… 

PETA promptly lost its collective marbles.  It’s produced this hit job aimed at shaming the restaurant into withdrawing its promotion.

PETA’s frothing-at-the-mouth overreaction has , of course , made Popeye’s promotion go viral , nationwide.  From a simple local promotion at a single airport , I understand people all over the country are starting to ask for it. Heck , here in North Texas , with only a relatively small municipal airport in the vicinity , I’ve heard folks talking and laughing about it !

Way to go , PETA. You’ve probably killed more chickens ( for Popeye’s to fry ) with your protest than died from natural causes over the past half a year or so. I might just go to the nearest Popeye’s and add to their profits , just to raise a middle digit at their critics ! …

I tell ya … These Left-Wing-Nutsjobs are speedily sailing over a precipice !!! …

This next one works well with the above …


Came across this one a little later …



Source: Bayou Renaissance Man

8:50 A.M. Austria flips the ‘ narrative ‘ on migrant asylum …

Hopefully Trump can get that across to the swamp dwellers in the States … And , up here … After we toss Junior out on his ass next year … Scheer will follow Austria’s lead too …

In the past , asylum-seeking was wild flight from danger by any means necessary – a dramatic bolt across the tarmac to freedom or a bowshot glide across the Berlin Wall , with begging for mercy at the door of the West …

Today , asylum-seeking is as regular as the school bus, with organized cartels using the Internet to incentivize large groups of people to migrate through package deals , organizing their transport , food , boarding and care , all for a convenient flat fee , payable either on the spot with cash or via Internet , or else through installment plans based on jobs in the West.

It’s illegal , and it’s a burden , costing law-abiding citizens in liveable countries billions as they arrive.

Click the link below and cheer on the Austrian initiative …

Kudos to Austria for sorting this problem out , and flipping the narrative from migrant sob stories to the shadowy players making money off them.

Source: Austria flips the ‘narrative’ on migrant asylum, turning fire to human smugglers

8:27 A.M. Ruth Bader Ginsburg has lung cancer …

Back on November 7 , the 85-year-old Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fell in her office at the Supreme Court and fractured three ribs on her left side.  Ironically, this mishap may have been a blessing in disguise , as x-ray tests on her rib area revealed growths on her left lung.

Then , on December 21 , Ginsburg underwent a pulmonary lobectomy at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. In that procedure , one of the two lobes of the left lung is completely removed and examined.  Upon pathological testing , it was determined that the nodules on Ginsburg’s left lobe were indeed malignant. The prognosis cannot be good for Ginsburg. According to Dr. John Heymach of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, when lung cancer is caught , it usually has already spread to the lymph nodes and beyond, and by then, it is curable in only a few cases.

This is the latest in a string of health issues that have afflicted the aged Ginsburg. She has been on the Supreme Court since 1993 when appointed by Bill Clinton. Currently , she is the longest serving justice on the court. During her tenure , Ginsburg has had both colon ( 2009 ) and pancreatic cancer ( 1999 ) and a heart stent in 2014.  

This is not a healthy , robust woman.

One need not be a medical expert to predict with a reasonable degree of confidence that 2019 will end without Ginsburg – or RBG, as her fans like to call her – on the bench. This will give President Trump the opportunity to appoint another originalist to the Supreme Court. This is needed now to counteract Chief Justice Roberts , who is drifting ever to the left.

Just the thought of another Supreme Court appointment for President Trump will send the Democrats and the Democrat-media into rug-chewing fits. It will also shift their efforts to remove Trump from office into warp speed.

OH ya got that right !!! …

Source: Ruth Bader Ginsburg has lung cancer

6:26 A.M. The Vulcanus is Benz panel van outside, private jet inside …


The interior of the Vulcanus looks more like a first-class airplane cabin than the back of a panel van. Italdesign says layout is entirely customizable , but the setup revealed in the renderings shows two rear forward-facing bucket seats with reclining backs and extending footrests ; and one rear-facing seat … Which we can only presume is for the butler.

It’s fun to imagine a wealthy eccentric ordering a custom version of the Vulcan designed for actually living in , with a sleeping quarters and little kitchen , but the more likely passengers are executives who need to simultaneously be at work while they’re in traffic.

Also … From Wirecutter’s …


Some people just have WAAAaaay too much money !!! …

Source: The Vulcanus is Benz panel van outside, private jet inside | Driving