11:16 A.M. ‘Scuse me while I set the ‘ Holiday Spirit ‘ aside for a moment …


Hamza Piccardo is one of Italy’s most prominent Muslim leaders. In the past he has claimed that “ polygamy is our civil right ” and now he has written to Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini requesting he “ establish an electoral process leading to the election of a democratic representation of Italian Muslims ”…

He is the founder of the Union of Italian Islamic Communities ( UCOII ) and is known for his assertion that Italians should not “ undervalue polygamy’s demographic effect ” which he believes would help Italy’s low birthrate and the need for foreign workers and should be considered a civil right as much as gay marriage is.

MORBNOTE ; That’s because most of ’em immigrated over here ( Canada ) !!! … But that’s fine … Italy could use a bit of ‘ pruning ‘ they way they used to spit out the little Guidos !!! … And the Italians certainly don’t need ‘ growth ‘ of your population !!! …

So , now he is asking that Italian government to bring Islam into the political establishment :

“ Let the government organise a consultation that can bring order to Italian Islam , we are fed up with this anarchy ”.

MORBNOTE II ; Then get back to the SHITHOLE from whence you came and carry on with your anarchy over there !!! …

His perception is that “ none of the organisations present in the territory significantly represents the soon to be three million ( !!! ) Muslims in Italy , one million of whom are Italian citizens ” …

MORBNOTE III ; Like England , Canada , Australia , The U.S. … WE allowed this shit to happen !!! … Something has to be done about VERY SOON !!! …

Therefore he asked the Italian Interior Minister “ to promote and establish an electoral process that leads to the election of a democratic representation of Italian Muslims with whom to dialogue “… They want their own language … Their own distorted morals … They want OUR countries to become THEIR SHITHOLES !!! …

This is nothing less than an INVASION of Western Society …

And WE are letting them do it !!! …

PHEW !!! … Now … Carry on with the Christmas festivities … Good will toward CIVILIZED men and all that …

Source: Muslim leader who said polygamy is a civil right, demands “democratic representation” in Italian Government

7:58 A.M. Christmas theme oddz n’ sods …

On December 13 , the Village of Hempstead , N.Y. hosted the Long Island Toy Gun Exchange Program , modeled after so-called gun ‘ buybacks ‘ that target real firearms … According to a report from local newspaper Newsday , each child received one politically correct toy in exchange ‘ for whatever water pistols , Nerf guns and other toy guns they turn[ed] in ‘…

MORBNOTE ; Gotta be ‘ politically correct ‘ !!! … One thing I’d like to know tho … Just who did we ‘ vote in ‘ to decide what is ‘ correct ‘ ? … Just wondering …

Irish Snowman …

I’d just get rid of the cat …

Source: Blazing Cat Fur