12:02 P.M. LIBERALS OVERBOARD !!! … Don’t bother with the lifesavers …

Today’s award goes to People Eating Tasty Animals People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ( PETA ). By overreacting in the most hysterically over-the-top way to a restaurant food promotion , they’ve ensured that a local ( one-city-only ) promotion has people talking about it all across the country.

Popeyes , a US fast-food fried chicken franchise , recently launched a promotion at Philadelphia’s airport. With all the fuss about fake ‘ emotional support animals ‘, the local operator figured that a play on words would help sell more chicken … So they started selling an ‘ emotional support chicken meal ‘… 

PETA promptly lost its collective marbles.  It’s produced this hit job aimed at shaming the restaurant into withdrawing its promotion.

PETA’s frothing-at-the-mouth overreaction has , of course , made Popeye’s promotion go viral , nationwide.  From a simple local promotion at a single airport , I understand people all over the country are starting to ask for it. Heck , here in North Texas , with only a relatively small municipal airport in the vicinity , I’ve heard folks talking and laughing about it !

Way to go , PETA. You’ve probably killed more chickens ( for Popeye’s to fry ) with your protest than died from natural causes over the past half a year or so. I might just go to the nearest Popeye’s and add to their profits , just to raise a middle digit at their critics ! …

I tell ya … These Left-Wing-Nutsjobs are speedily sailing over a precipice !!! …

This next one works well with the above …


Came across this one a little later …



Source: Bayou Renaissance Man

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