11:16 P.M. Forget about a border wall ?! … What’s up with Fox News ? …

I tell ya .. They ALL think they know how to run a country … Talk about armchair quarterbacks … None of these ‘ Opinion ‘ writers / editors would have a clue if they found themselves ‘ in charge ‘ … They’d face a ‘ blitz ‘ on the second down of the game and get SACKED BIGTIME !!! …

Excerpt of drivel …

Instead of demanding his wall , President Trump should demand that Congress provide the Customs and Border Protection ( CBP ) Office of Field Operations – which oversees immigration and commerce at the country’s 328 ports of entry – with funds for more staffing.

CBP is short at least 1,100 officers at ports of entry, the Government Accountability Office reported earlier this year. A wall won’t halt the flow of illegal drugs at ports of entry.

MORBNOTE ; I disagree with that … The additions and reinforcing done to already existing areas have resulted in fewer illegal crossings …

Despite what the president tweets , CBP statistics show that 81 percent of hard drugs intercepted along the southwest border between 2012 and 2016 were seized at ports of entry.

Last year, CBP seized 118,021 pounds of cocaine , heroin , meth and fentanyl at ports of entry , compared with 20,000 pounds seized between ports. In other words : you can build a wall to the sky , but it won’t stop drugs from getting into our communities.

MORBNOTE II ; First of all , the drugs are another issue … That’s an inefficiency of the clowns working the border combined , in all fairness , with the bullshit ‘ human rights ‘ that these politicians handcuff them with …

And understaffing at ports of entry is not only a security problem. It is also an economic one. CBP estimated in 2014 that every additional individual field officer at a port of entry would result in annual benefits of $2 million to America’s gross domestic product.

MORBNOTE III ; I read this line several times … I’m still scratching my head trying to figure out how any number of extra field officers , who speak with individuals , file documents , physically escort legal or illegal migrants about , can physically add anything to the GDP of a country ?!!! …

The added flow of commerce for each additional field officers would yield $ 640,000.00 saved in opportunity costs and create 33 new jobs. ( How the fuck do you arrive at that ?! … ) Intelligent border security could be the foundation for a sensible compromise that President Trump could forge with congressional Republicans and Democrats to advance America’s security and economic interests – and perhaps even unite us.

Such a deal also could encourage economic growth by making it easier for talented innovators and graduates with advanced degrees to come to the U.S. and stay here. As the global battle for talent intensifies , we need legal ways for more entrepreneurs from around the world to set up shop here in America.

MORBNOTE IV ; I ‘ LOVE ‘ this bullshit !!! … Ya hear it all the time ! … ” We NEED these people !!! … Fuck off !!! … We’re not getting engineers  ( REAL ones , I refer too … Not the thousands of Humber College grads of 3 years memorizing formulas !!! … Yet with ZERO practical knowledge , never mind experince and / or skill ! … ) , neurosurgeons , pilots , designers , etc … We’re getting wogs that can’t communicate ( and make little to no effort to learn this country’s language … ENGLISH ! ( Fuck off KBec !!! … You mangle actual French as it is ! ) … Have no skills and a majority of them are from a common gene pool that have greatly reduced chances of learning much of any value , other than simple , basic , general labour … We have an over abundance of homegrown individuals in that category which negates any feeble justification in that regard …

We also need paths for more individuals such as skilled farm workers laborers and construction laborers to fill positions that will boost economic growth. Both political parties want a strong economy , and a sound legal immigration process is core ( Hardly the ‘ core ‘ … )  to that pursuit.

Men , women and children don’t flee their homelands unless their situation is untenable. As part of an immigration deal , the U.S. should increase its investment in the security and economic development of Central American countries to discourage people from fleeing in the first place. At the same time , drawing on our compassion and respect for human dignity – not to mention U.S. and international law – we should welcome refugees and hear the claims of asylum seekers. American leadership should include moral leadership.

Finally , undocumented men and women who are working hard and contributing to America – starting with Dreamers brought here as children and people with temporary protected status – should have a way to earn full legalized status and eventual citizenship. It’s the right thing to do morally and politically , and it’s in the best interest of our economy and our security.

MORB FINAL THOUGHT ; That’s true of a small amount … But until it can be sorted out accurately … They can cry to their fellow countrymen and others who attempt to circumvent the system …

I think Fox News need to have a little ‘ rethink ‘ on this subject …

Source: Forget about a border wall – Trump and Congress should agree on these immigration policies that work | Fox News