2:07 P.M. Not really Knuckledraggin here …

It’s true , I’m a real catch

Posted on 12/20/2018 by Wirecutter


I got a proposal of marriage ( kinda sorta ) the other day.

I was in the Walmart parking lot behind a little old lady that stood about 4 feet nothing and she’s just creeping along towards her little SUV which was parked just this side of my truck. As she slowed down I gave her warning,

” Right behind you , ma’am ” because I didn’t want to startle the old bird. As old as she was , cardiac arrest was a real possibility and it’s too close to Christmas for that shit.

“ Oh ! My ! Well , I was hoping that I’d see a strong young man in the parking lot to help me heft this turkey ”.

She was looking me up and down and studying me. I figured she must be near blind if she thought I was either young or strong. Maybe that’s why she was looking at me so intently , wondering if she should wait for a better specimen.

“ I’d be proud to help you , ma’am. Hand me your keys and I’ll unload the rest of your cart , too.”

She was doing her shopping for her Christmas dinner – besides the turkey she had a dozen half gallon jugs of juice , a couple hams , potatoes , shit like that. Her cart was full to the point of overflowing.

“ Why , thank you , sonny ” she said as she handed me her keys . “ I’d be able to handle it myself but my back is all stove up. I was raking hay a couple months ago and when I climbed off the John Deere , that damned thing rolled back and pinned me. I been sore ever since. I’m 97 years old and I ain’t never been one of them doctor people , but I’m thinking maybe I better start going ”.

God , I love Southern women. I was laughing as I finished up.

“ Well , there you go , ma’am. Listen , if you’d like I can follow you home and unload for you. I ain’t in no hurry ”…

“ Thank you , but no. My grandson’s there ” … She looks me up and down again … “ You married ? ”…

“ Yes ma’am. That’s the only reason I ain’t made a pass at you yet ”.

“ God bless ya , sonny ” She was cackling away when she pulled out.

Source: Knuckledraggin My Life Away | Where Bad Choices Make Good Stories

12:59 P.M. CBS denies former CEO Leslie Moonves $120M US severance …

Andrew Levander , an attorney for Moonves , said his client ” vehemently denies any non-consensual sexual relations and cooperated extensively and fully with investigators ” …

” The conclusions of the CBS board were foreordained and are without merit ” Levander said in a statement. ” Consistent with the pattern of leaks that have permeated this ‘ process ‘, the press was informed of these baseless conclusions before Mr. Moonves , further damaging his name , reputation , career and legacy “.

Attorney Gloria Allred , who represents four women who have accused Moonves of misconduct , called on CBS to publicly release the details of the investigators’ findings and compensate those with provable misconduct claims.

” The public has a right to know who at CBS was aware of Mr. Moonves’ alleged misconduct and when they knew of it ” said Allred , whose clients all spoke to the investigators. ” Instead of keeping this money and rewarding their corporation for Mr. Moonves’ alleged misconduct , they should share these many millions with those who can prove that they are victims.”

In the recent past , CBS suspended Charlie Rose , co-anchor of CBS’s morning show and 60 Minutes in November 2017 — after several women accused him of harassment and misconduct — and fired him last September. Jeff Fager , 60 Minutes executive producer , was also fired in September after threatening a CBS News reporter investigating allegations of harassment of colleagues.

Investigators did find that the company failed to hold ‘ high performers ‘ accountable for their conduct , the board said.

The board said it has retained outside advisers to fix its human resources problems.

Last week , CBS named 18 organizations as recipients of a $20-million donation drawn from Moonves’s severance to support eliminating sexual harassment in the workplace.

The following is an excerpt from the L.A. Times regarding this subject …

CBS’ board , which met several times over the last week , made clear that it felt Moonves’ alleged inappropriate actions were troubling and serious.

The investigators reportedly heard testimony that Moonves “ received oral sex from at least four CBS employees under circumstances that sound transactional and improper ” because there was no hint of romance or a relationship between the CEO and the underlings , according to a draft report that was leaked to the New York Times.

He also allegedly destroyed evidence to try to salvage his reputation and preserve his claim to the $120 million in severance.

Moonves was instrumental in the creation of such hits as ‘ Friends ‘, ‘ E.R.’,’ CSI : Crime Scene Investigation ‘, ‘ NCIS ‘ and ‘ The Big Bang Theory ‘ and having grudgingly served as a longtime foil of David Letterman , CBS’ former late night talk show host , as the two had a stormy relationship.

Moonves also was one of America’s highest-paid executives. Last year he collected a compensation package valued at nearly $70 million. Much of that was from CBS stock , which he guided to great heights. Forbes has estimated Moonves’ wealth at $700 million.

With the money that EVERYONE plays around with in this business , I don’t give a shit about ANY of the parties involved … Including the women … Who have no problem playin’ that game for a while when it’s to their advantage … Then decided they’re ‘ all hurt ‘ …

This Moonves doesn’t need another 120 million , nor does the corporation that employed him … Also note that CBS donated only $20 million of the 120 total and is quite comfy tuckin’ the other hundred million back into their bank account … To Hell with any other women ! …

Source: CBS denies former CEO Leslie Moonves $120M US severance | CBC News

12:50 P.M. What a complete load of BULLSHIT !!! …

Sex education lessons in which pupils as young as eight will be told ‘ all genders ’ have periods were yesterday condemned as unnecessarily confusing for young children.

The classes follow guidelines that were issued to teachers to help them avoid offending girls who identify as boys.

But critics described the guidelines as inappropriate and another example of political correctness gone mad.

The teacher guidance , from Brighton & Hove City Council , states: ‘Trans boys and men and non-binary people may have periods.’ It says language about menstruation must be inclusive of ‘all genders’ and orders that ‘bins for used period products are provided in all toilets’ for children.

But Tory MP David Davies described it as ‘ insanity’ for teachers to be explaining the concept of transgender boys having periods to eight-year-olds.

” Learning about periods is already a difficult subject for children that age , so to throw in the idea girls who believe they are boys also have periods will leave them completely confused ” he added.

Stephanie Davies-Arai , from the campaign group Transgender Trend , said : ” Girls going through puberty are already having a difficult time. What they should be given is clear language to be able to talk about their bodies and their female biological functions without couching it in politically correct terms “.

And feminist campaigner Julie Bindel said : ” To tell impressionable children that boys can also menstruate sidelines girls who should be getting support when they start their periods “.

Earlier this year , The Mail on Sunday revealed how an NHS guidebook stated that males living as women were being invited for tests to check for cervical cancer – even though they do not have a cervix.

MORBNOTE ; I must say I agree with Dave … INSANITY !!! … One has to wonder if THIS doesn’t stop these assholes in their tracks , they are just totally without hope !!! …

They should be incarcerated and kept out of NORMAL society !!! …