11:47 A.M. Dellen Millard gets third consecutive ‘ life sentence ‘ …

A twice-convicted murderer was sentenced Tuesday to a third consecutive term of life in prison for killing his father , with a judge saying the penalty was necessary to condemn the Toronto man’s crimes.

dellen-millardThe sentence means Dellen Millard must serve 75 years in prison before being eligible to apply for parole.

The 33-year-old was found guilty earlier this year of the first-degree murder of his father Wayne Millard , a wealthy businessman whose death was initially ruled a suicide.

Let’s cut the crap and save ourselves a shitload of money and kill this defective asshole and be done with ‘ it ‘ …

‘ It ‘ being the situation , as well as referring to the ‘ thing ‘ that is Dellen Millard …

Source: Dellen Millard gets third consecutive life sentence for father’s death | CTV News