4:23 P.M. Blazing Cat Fur …

BlazingCatFur is a recent addition to The Morb’s Blog list of fellow bloggers … I see BCF has adjusted the header for the season …


This is happening in Stockton , California ?!!! … Government ‘ test ‘ ? …

An Extra $500 A Month ? … 100 Residents To Be Selected For Basic Income Pilot Program

A team of independent researchers will pick 100 people to receive the money. The purpose is to study how an extra $500 a month impacts people’s health and stress level.

The picture below best sums up that useless experiment ! …


Source: Blazing Cat Fur – Page 2

11:11 A.M. Memory lane excursion …


As I sat here listening ( for the ‘ umpt-thousandth time ! … ) Dark Side Of The Moon , curiosity  arose and I investigated to find out how much money she received for her efforts …




Originally , she was paid the standard flat fee of £30 for Sunday studio work.

MORBNOTE ; THIRTY BLEEDIN’ QUID ?!!! … Well Ok , back then that was about 65 – 70 or so … Not bad for an Sunday afternoon at Abbey Road Studios … BUT !!! …

In 2004 , she sued ( Atta girl Clare !!! … ) Pink Floyd and EMI for songwriting royalties on the basis that her contribution to ” The Great Gig in the Sky ” constituted co-authorship with keyboardist Richard Wright.


 In 2005 , an out-of-court settlement was reached in Torry’s favour , although the terms of the settlement were not disclosed.

MORBNOTE II ; However , upon having a boo at Clare’s current ‘ net worth ‘ one finds she’s sitting quite comfy at a workable 10 million dollars … Looking into the other ventures of her career one has to come to the conclusion that a very large chunk of that is due to the album she contributed to , Dark Side Of The Moon … It remained on the Top 100 sales list for over 10 years and , regardless of which  ‘ All Time List ‘ you look at , it’s in the top 10 …

Her  impromptu vocalizing , literally a ‘ first take ! .. . Is one of ( albeit many ) highlights of the album. Let’s face it … Millions the world over have gotten up close and friendly ( as well as down and dirty ! ) with that little ditty singing out in the background ! …

aaaThatWasLovelyClareAll releases after 2005 carry an additional credit ” Vocal composition by Clare Torry ” for the ” Great Gig in the Sky ” segment. This means that for the last 13 years alone , she’ll receive her well earned portion of the perennially ongoing sales of the album , on top of the ‘ undisclosed settlement ‘…

Yes Roger … I think you SHOULD show your appreciation ! …

Especially bank account wise !!! … She did , after all , contribute an everlasting highlight for that LP …

Source: Clare Torry – Wikipedia

7:28 A.M. Using a child’s death for political gain …

The mainstream media’s treatment of a young girl’s death while in the custody of the Border Patrol is a case study in how the mainstream media control the national narrative and manipulate public opinion to advance their leftist agenda.

The purpose of flooding the internet and the airwaves with propaganda about the death and life of Jakelin Maquin isn’t to edify or inform the public ; it is to make Americans feel bad about enforcing any immigration laws at all. The real crime here isn’t any wrongdoing on the part of the Border Patrol. The real crime , according to our Cultural Marxist overlords , is that the Border Patrol exists in the first place.

After all , it wasn’t the Border Patrol that led this young child on a 2,000-mile trek over harsh terrain. It wasn’t the Border Patrol who failed to provide her with water and vital nutrients. No , that was the doing of her own father. But he was a good guy , you know. He just wanted a ‘ better life ‘ for himself and his ( now deceased ) child.

Never mind that this argument from self-interest is the argument of every single drug-dealer , thief , and criminal since the dawn of time. In fact , the argument from self-interest isn’t even a moral argument. If self-interest could , all by itself , justify an action morally , virtually any action would be justified.  

After all , it is rare that people deliberately harm themselves … I murdered my boss , but they told me I had to do whatever it took to get that promotion !… I raped that beautiful young woman , but I’m finally going to have a son ! Not much of a moral argument, is it ? …


Source: What a child’s death on the border says about our country