5:09 P.M. Who cares about this asshole ?

In a rare break with U.S. President Donald Trump , the Senate voted on Wednesday to move ahead with a resolution to end U.S. military support for the Saudi Arabian-led coalition in the war in Yemen and lawmakers vowed to push for sanctions against the kingdom in the new year.

The nearly unprecedented break the 11 Republicans made from Trump was largely symbolic because the House of Representatives is not expected to take the matter up this year. Trump has threatened a veto.

But backers of the resolution said it sent an important message that lawmakers are unhappy with the humanitarian disaster in Yemen , and angry about the lack of a strong U.S. response to the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at a Saudi consulate in Turkey.

 “ The first thing we do , let’s kill all the lawyers ” … So says Dick the Butcher in Shakespeare’s history “ Henry The Sixth , part 2 ”. It’s one of the most famous quotations by a minor character created by the Bard.

Maybe we should revise it slightly.

“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the dissembling journalists.”

The Washington Post and most of the mainstream media are beside themselves over what appears to be the kidnapping , torture , murder and dismemberment of Saudi-born journalist Jamal Khashoggi while he was on a visit to Istanbul , Turkey.

The media is hounding the Trump administration to do something. And that something is likely to take the form of economic sanctions or the cancellation of weapons sales.

But with the Trump economy going gangbusters , any retaliatory disruptions in oil deliveries to the West by angry Saudi royals could sound the death nell for the boom.

Here’s the question before us.  Is Khashoggi’s death worth stalling America’s recovering economy , which has been in recession , coupled with high unemployment , for nearly a decade ?

So , who was Jamal Khashoggi ?

One man who would know is no longer with us. His carcass lies at the bottom of the North Arabian Sea. That man was Osama bin Laden, whose Al Qaeda terror network carried out the attacks on New York City’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington , D.C. , on Sept. 11 , 2001.

Bin Laden felt a kinship with Khashoggi by virtue of their shared Saudi heritage and fealty to a similar brand of Islam , Wahhabism.

According to the New York Times :

“Although he later stopped attending meetings of the Brotherhood , he [ Khashoggi ] remained conversant in its conservative , Islamist and often anti-Western rhetoric , which he could deploy or hide depending on whom he was seeking to befriend ”.

Similar to his journalistic counterparts in the West , Khashoggi liked having it both ways. After the attacks of 9 / 11 and the death of nearly 3,000 Americans , he wrote that the violence of bin Laden and his hijackers “ attacked Islam as a faith and the values of tolerance and coexistence that it preaches ”.

Really ? … When have the Muslim Brotherhood or Al Qaeda preached tolerance ? Much less coexistence with anyone unwilling to submit to their radical and superstitious primitivism ?

Having seen what Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood have done in places like Afghanistan , Pakistan , Egypt , Libya , and Syria , Saudi Arabian King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud was understandably concerned about journalist Khashoggi and his friends.

Saudi Arabian leaders preempted Jamal Khashoggi’s life before his agitation for Arab-Spring “ democracy ” had a chance to destabilize the House of Saud. And pave the way for a fanatical, anti-Western Islamic regime with control of 18 percent of the globe’s oil reserves.

President Trump should remember that the same media who hates him also hates the United States of America. As well as  Western Civilization as a whole. Why else would the Washington Post give a fake-news platform to Osama bin Laden friend and Muslim Brotherhood member , Jamal Khashoggi.

In the end , the Saudis probably did the Western World a big favor.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told reporters on Wednesday in Jerusalem that Saudi Arabia’s role in the Middle East must be taken into account in responding to Khashoggi’s ” horrific ” fate.

” If Saudi Arabia were to be destabilized, the world would be destabilized ” Netanyahu told foreign reporters , speaking in English.

3:49 P.M. ‘ Crack Fries’ offends crackheads !!! …

The Grand Rapids-based restaurant Hopcat intends to rename its so-called ‘ crack fries ‘ so as to not offend those affected by substance abuse. Crackheads have feelings , dontcha know ?…

“ I’m announcing plans to change the name of Hopcat’s ‘crack fries ‘ ” Mark Gray , the CEO of the restaurant’s parent company , Barfly Ventures, LLC , said in a YouTube statement Monday. “ It’ll still be the same beer-battered seasoned recipe … Just with a new name.”

“ While the name ‘crack fries’ was intended to be tongue-in-cheek , drug addiction is not a joke. The drug crack has devastated many of the communities that we serve. Our vision for creating an inclusive company that supports our communities shows love for our team that best serves our guests is not compatible with continued use of the name.

” Listen , we chose the name more than 11 years ago as a reference to the addictive quality of the fries and their cracked pepper seasoning , without consideration for those the drug negatively affected ” he added in a written statement. “ We were wrong. The crack epidemic and the lasting impact on those it affects is not funny and never was “.

” Was the company actually wrong, though ? The Food Network considers Hopcat’s fries to be among the best in the country because of their delicious taste , which is reportedly achieved by battering them in light beer before sprinkling black pepper seasoning on them.

The point is that the fries are indeed addicting , much like the narcotic crack cocaine. And while the crack cocaine epidemic , as well as the opioids epidemic , have been devastating to many , does personal responsibility still mean something in America ?


Some appear to believe not, as evidenced by their belief that it’s the responsibility of restaurants like Hopcat to change their ways of conducting business to appease substance abusers.

But many others argue otherwise and have noted that if Hopcat buys into this politically correct worldview , then it needs to go all the way with it instead of being so selective.

“ This is a good start … But can you please remove all references to beer from your menu and restaurant ? ” one sarcastic commenter wrote in response to Gray’s YouTube statement. “ It is incredibly insensitive to anyone has suffered from alcoholism ”… “Also please remove all unhealthy food as this is insensitive to those who have struggled with obesity “

And finally … ” Please remove the word ‘cat’ from your name and logo as this is insensitive to those who suffer cat allergies. Thank you ”…

It was a clever point rooted in this question : Where does it stop ? …

Whether or not something is offensive is subjective , meaning the answer differs from person to person. And it just so happens that in this day and age of political correctness gone awry , practically everything offends someone.

So if Hopcat is going to rename its ‘ crack fries ‘ to not offend crackheads , why stop there ? …

MORBNOTE ; I wager that nary a single actual ‘ crackhead ‘ actually gave two shits about this !!! … IF any crackhead new the place … It’s all the millennial SJWs !!! …

Source: Restaurant announces plan to rename its ‘crack fries’ to not offend crackheads. Reactions were strong. Conservative News Today

2:35 P.M. Why are we still dealing with this piece of garbage ? …


KhaDick2Omar Khadr , the convicted killer , wants the freedom to travel to Saudi Arabia , and he wants to be able to freely and privately communicate with his terrorist-supporting family. He’s making the formal request to an Edmonton court this week.

Every time we give this guy an inch , he takes a mile.

MORBNOTE ; It should have never been ‘ considered ‘ to give this asswipe an ‘ inch ‘ to begin with …

First , the feds generously agreed to repatriate Khadr from Guantanamo Bay to a high-security prison in Canada.

Then , we allowed him to be released on bail and put in the custody of his activist lawyer.

And slowly , step by step , he has regained more and more freedoms in Canada.

As if watching Khadr be let free in Canada wasn’t bad enough , the Trudeau government secretly gave Khadr a $10.5 million cash payment along with an official apology on behalf of all Canadians in the summer of 2017.

MORBNOTE II ; I think it’s safe to assume … But other than other terrorists and their cowardly brethren that choose the ‘ safe ‘ route and just sponge all they can from this country , I suspect that a near 100 % of real Canadians would rather see this asshole suckin’ up striped sunlight for the rest of his miserable , pagan life … I know that;s how I figure it should be …

The Trudeau government pretended it was a court-ordered payment. The truth , however , is that the court ruling said nothing about compensation or an apology.

When caught on that load of bullshit , Trudeau and company changed their tune , and said they paid Khadr to save taxpayers money ; Khadr was suing the feds and it was cheaper to settle than to fight him in court.

MORBNOYE III ; Why is it we allow terrorists , or convicted criminals …  for that matter , have the right to ‘ sue ‘ Canada ?! …

Instead of putting up a fight and sending a strong message to any Canadian citizen who picks up arms to fight alongside a jihadist terror group , Canada caved and conceded to Khadr’s unreasonable demands.

After being released from prison , Khadr asked Canadians not to judge him for his storied past , but instead to look at the man he is today. But it’s impossible to divorce the two.

Canada has apologized ( That’s just BIZARRE !!! ) to Khadr , but Khadr has never apologized for some of his egregious actions as a member of al Qaeda and the Taliban.

He’s never condemned his terrorist family nor has he clearly disavowed radical Islam and the jihadist ideology.

Khadr once admitted to his deadly crimes , including throwing the grenade that ended the life of 28-year-old U.S. army medic and father of two Christopher Speer and maimed soldier Layne Morris. In 2010 , he apologized to the Speer family.

But , as Anthony Furey points out in a recent column , Khadr is now appealing his conviction and claiming his murder confession came under duress. 

MORBNOTE IV : No doubt when his money grubbing lawyer figured he could make more money pissin’ up court time continuing the proceedings …

In other words , he no longer accepts blame for the actions he once took responsibility and apologized for.

Khadr can try denying being the one who threw the grenade that killed Speer , but he can’t deny building and laying bombs … The type that killed 97 Canadians in Afghanistan.

There is video footage of Khadr laughing and joking while he built and planted deadly explosive devices in Afghanistan. Some Canadians take an overly generous view about Khadr. They see him as a victim , brainwashed and manipulated by a zealous father and an evil family.


But far from disavowing his radical family , Khadr now admits he wants to spend more time with them … Away from the watch of Canada’s security officials.

Our Prime Minister seems to share the sympathetic view of Khadr ( and Mr ‘ Be Happy ‘ selfie king buys it ! ) , which is perhaps why he unwisely agreed to the secret midnight payout. Trudeau didn’t want to bother fighting Khadr in court , so he paid Khadr to go away.KhaDickSucker

But Khadr isn’t going anywhere. He’s going to keep pushing the limits of our generosity.

Instead of sending a strong message about Canada’s seriousness in the fight against global jihad , Canada has allowed Khadr to become a role model for every aspiring terrorist out there.

MORB FINAL THOUGHT ; Here’s the ‘ message I’d send … A televised execution by fully automatic weapons … Beginning at his feet and SLOWLY moving upward … Pausing just before the heart … And then , only when on the discretion of the Speer family , a bullet to the forehead.

Then make sure copies of the proceedings are sent to the Middle East media outlets.

Also note ; This asshole has his much deserved front place spot in this category’s header …

Source: MALCOLM: Omar Khadr pushes the limits of our generosity | Toronto Sun

7:56 A.M. Bombardier BooHoos over Via Rail Contract To Germany’s Siemens …

Rumours of Via Rail’s decision not to select Bombardier have provoked resentment in Quebec where Bombardier is struggling to fill the order book at its La Pocatiere plant.

In a press conference , Siciliano repeated the arguments previously made by federal Transport Minister Marc Garneau that the decision to bypass Bombardier is justified because Canada’s free trade agreements with the European Union and the United States don’t allow Via Rail to favour Bombardier in the awarding of contracts.

He said Via Rail couldn’t consider economic benefits in its evaluation of tender bids.

” The opinions of our experts were that Via Rail is named in these ( free trade ) agreements and is prohibited from demanding Canadian content ” he told reporters. ” We have complied with the rules. “

Canadian subcontractors may get some work … Siemens has opened the door to offer up to 20 per cent of the value of contracts announced Wednesday to Canadian subcontractors but there is no guarantee they will be selected from bids submitted.

A disappointed Bombardier Transportation said in a statement that it is ” inconceivable ” that a contract for a train that will pass ” two national capitals ” does not generate a maximum of local benefits. It claimed that Via Rail twice refused to consider a revised proposal.

” This offer was supported by the Quebec government , had increased local economic benefits , and included the use of green technologies ” said Bombardier. ” We will take the time necessary to analyze the Via Rail process and its decisions , and evaluate our options “.

MORBNOTE ; Now let’s go back a lifetime ( mine ) … This company has cost taxpayers millions upon millions for many decades … It’s two main functions are basically a ) employ a shitload of KBekkers , making a dozen or so multi millionaires and a couple billionaires  and b ) secure votes for the Liberal Party of ‘ The Rest of Canada ‘ …

If any of the vast majority of private corporations went three or four years with net losses of in the hundreds of millions each year , they would either go bankrupt and cease to be or be bought out by a company or group that saw potential in the enterprise … IF PROPERLY OPERATED !!! …

However , it’s painfully obviously that the corporate bigwigs at this farce of a company only excel at ‘ window dressing ‘ that allows them to continually scoop oodles of cash out of the taxpayer’s pocket …

Bombardier’s corporate welfare began , at least federally , in 1966 when it received its first disbursement of $35 million from the federal department, Industry Canada. In the decades since, various Bombardier iterations received over $1.1 billion (all figures adjusted for inflation) in 48 separate disbursements from just Industry Canada. That includes two 2009 cheques worth $233 million.

Most of the money , excepting $55-million in grants , came in the form of conditionally repayable contributions ( conditional loans where repayment depends on the performance of a particular project ).

That $1.1 billion does not include tax dollars received from any other federal department or other governments , including in Ontario , Quebec and even Great Britain ( $298 million in the latter case ).

MORBNOTE II ; The NERVE of these KBek assholes !!! … Crying loudly and constantly about the importance and value of their French heritage , at the same time pawin’ away at the knickers of the British !!! … How much money has France willfully flushed down the loo on your behalf ?!!! …

But if taxpayers wish to know how much money has been repaid out of just the amounts above , they’re mostly out of luck.

Publicly , Bombardier claims it has repaid $275 million on two government loans originally worth $187 million. That ignores the dozens of other disbursements and much larger amounts loaned to the company.

MORBNOTE III ; Six decades and they’ve only ‘ paid back ‘ $ 275 mil ?!!! … And you’ll note that they make a big deal outta the fact that the loan was ‘ only ‘ $ 187 mil ! … Well that’s the way loans work assholes !!! … Ya PAY interest on top of that … Plus ! You know they would go on about repayment IF there was any … But there isn’t … With the afforemention other avenues of borrowed money , we’re talking billions … PLURAL !!! …

Mind you … How can we expect them to adhere to their fiscal responsibility to us taxpayers when THEY have to be compensated for the bang up job they’re doing directing OUR money thru the sewage system !!! …

CEO Alain Bellemare saw his total pay climb to US$10.63 million , while the company’s chief financial officer and the heads of the business jet , commercial airplane and transportation divisions also saw increases.

In total , the performance bonuses of the top five executives of the multinational reached $7 million. Altogether over 35 million in EXTRA compensation !!! …

In the circular , Bombardier explained that its executives achieved their bonuses by exceeding fixed targets and spending less than anticipated.

Bombardier ended the fiscal year by reducing its net loss to $553 million , or 25 cents per share, while its revenues remained stable at $16.2 billion.

MORBNOTE IV ; AGAIN !!! … EXACTLY like their cohorts in the Government , they are truley oblivious to the mind boggling gall of their attempts to justify this thievery !!! … They proudly state ” We ONLY lost a little over half a billion … And our investors are only down to a 25 cents / share loss !!! … We deserve a pat on the back and a padding of our wallets , wouldn’t ya say ?!!! ” …

FINAL Note ; 2018 will also mark the retirement of Laurent Beaudoin, who has indicated he will leave the board of directors on May 3 , 10 days before his 80th birthday. The old bastard will have spent over 4 decades milkin’ money from the taxpayers to finance a few in a company that has perpetually lost money …


Source: Bombardier Loses Via Rail Contract To Germany’s Siemens | HuffPost Canada