9:25 P.M. Quite funny ! … Camel Toe lyrics …

You’re a beautiful girl
And your pants are on so tight
That when you stand just right
I can see it all
When you’re on the beach
And your bikini’s soaking wet
I see a fuzzy silhouette
As I look down below
I see your camel toe
Your bisquit , your beavage
I see your cooter cleavage
Your monkey , your muffin
You ain’t hidin’ nothin’
Your coochie , your flapper
You’re showin’ off your snapper
Your camel toe
It looks alright so baby let it show
Looks like a big taco
I see your camel toe
(Merci madame, voila le bearded clam)

I could really go
For a sideways sloppy joe
Or a tuna casserole
Baby don’t you know

I never thought I’d see
So much of your anatomy
Your jeans are so tight
I’m learning gynecology
I see your camel toe


Your (labia?), your vulva
Ooh ya know I love ya
Your (edna?) vagina, nothin’ could be finer.
It’s furry, it’s fluffy, lookin’ kinda puffy.
Your camel toe
It looks alright so baby let it show
Looks like a big taco
I see your camel toe
(Merci madame, voila le bearded clam)

Your biscuit, your beavage
I see your cooter cleavage
Your monkey, your muffin
You ain’t hidin’ nothin’
Your coochie, your flapper
You’re showin’ off your snapper

Your camel toe
It looks alright so baby let it show
Looks like a big taco
I see your camel toe

Type in ‘ Camel Toe Song You Tube ‘ to hear this quite amusing diddy …

Source: Camel Toe lyrics – Bob & Tom original song

5:21 P.M. Canadian Immigration Reform Blog …

2018MeltingPotFound another interesting blog … I’ll check it out for a few days and , more than likely , add it to the list … When you finish reading here … Click on the link … This is about halfway thru …

Looks like Trump is taking flack for stating the obvious.  He called shithole countries shithole countries and the grandstanding left is in a huff.


The man can say the sky is blue and his enemies will personally take offense for the other wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum for not being acknowledged.  He can’t win.

The question is why are they shithole countries and the compassionate progressive left will tell you colonialism , corporations , blah , blah , blah , white people.  I won’t completely dismiss the lingering effects of colonialism and the wealth sucking power of multinational corporations but sooner or later you have to take responsibility for yourself.  It’s “ current year ” and the colonialism card has been overplayed.

The reason why shithole countries are shithole countries is because the people who live there make them shithole countries.  The Philippines is a shithole country because Filipinos.  Somalia is a shithole country because Somalis.  Haiti is a shithole country because Haitians.  And so on.

Some countries are literal shitholes.  In India nearly half the population openly defecates in the streets.  The country is practically an open air public toilet.

I used to believe in the equality of man and the culpability of the West in the impoverishment of the developing world.  I used to believe we had some sort of duty to improve the lives of those of the Third World since I lived a relatively comfortable life at their expense.  And supporting mass immigration was part of that.  Then I grew up and wised up by moving to and living in Toronto.  If living in Toronto hasn’t taught you the cold hard reality that the Third World is a shithole because Third-Worlders then you should leave your gentrified white middle class enclave some time and talk to the people you say you love to have in Canada just not exactly living in your neighbourhood.

I’ve worked with these people.  I went to Church with these people.  I went to school with their kids and other than being nice people , most of them anyway , they’re extremely unremarkable and will remove any wonderment to why the shithole country they left is a shithole.  I no longer saw letting them immigrate to Canada as an act of reconciliation but as an act of charity.

And they’ll turn Canada into a shithole country too.

MORBNOTE ; In the last thirty years alone they’ve made huge strides in that department …

Source: Canadian Immigration Reform Blog

1:53 P.M. These people should display their size of balls to their own piss-ass government …

Invading the USA so as to force its citizens to support them has worked out splendidly for some members of the migrant caravan, but not others , due to at least part of the border being defended. Some have turned to a less ambitious tactic for helping themselves to the wealth generated by American taxpayers … extortion :

Two groups of migrants from Central America marched to the American consulate in Tijuana , Mexico, yesterday , with a list of demands to the Trump administration.

One of them asked the American president to either let them in the country or pay them $50,000 each to go home , a report said …

Give me $50,000 or I’ll sit here in my own filth and disease , helpless and wretched while the liberal media exploits me . I may even sneak into your country. Of course , I might do that anyway. Fifty grand would pay for a top notch coyote with money to spare.

Alfonso Guerreo Ulloa , an organizer from Honduras , told the San Diego Union-Tribune that the $50,000 figure is not a very big sum.

‘ It may seem like a lot of money to you ‘ he said …‘ But it is a small sum compared to everything the United States has stolen from Honduras ‘…

It is doubtful that the USA has ever stolen a penny from Honduras. On the contrary , it steals money from its own citizens to give to Honduras. Our ( U.S. ) federal government bestows upon this hostile hellhole over $100 million per year of our money.

But according to progressive dogma , if you generate wealth and someone else does not , you have stolen the wealth you generated from the person who did not generate it. Leftists use this insane notion to justify the thievery that is the foundation of their ideology.

MORBNOTE ; This next bit shows the absolute GALL of these ‘ invaders ‘ …

The caravan migrants also asked the US to remove Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez from office !!! …

One reason Hondurans are so miserable is that they cannot govern themselves. That’s how we know the ones who make it across the border will vote for Democrats. Surprisingly , they did not think to demand that we pave the streets of Honduras with gold.

The group gave the US consulate 72 hours to respond to their letter.

I suggest they hold their collective breath on that one and it’ll be that much easier to bulldoze them  back to Central America …

Source: Moonbattery Moonbattery – A Stake Through the Heart of the Lunatic Left