Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fractured three ribs in a fall in her office at the court and is in the hospital , the court said Thursday.The court’s oldest justice fell Wednesday evening , the court said.

She called Supreme Court police to take her to George Washington University Hospital in Washington early Thursday after experiencing discomfort overnight , court spokesperson Kathy Arberg said.

Ginsburg , 85 , was admitted to the hospital for treatment and observation after tests showed she fractured three ribs.


MORBNOTE ; She requires two special aides to keep her from tilting over in her seat !!! …

Look Granny Ginsburg … It’s long past time to retire !!! … You can’t even navigate your office safely these days !!! …

Source: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in hospital after fracturing ribs in fall | CBC News

4:17 P.M. Terri-Lynne McClintic is ( rather quickly , I’ll add … ) back in prison … WHERE SHE BELONGS !!! …

I’ll give credit to Ralph Goodale for actually getting this one right …

Rodney Stafford , who led a rally in Ottawa last week calling for the government to act , said he feels gratified that McClintic is back behind bars …

“ I’m burning on little energy here and I just got a little spark of life knowing that justice is being served ” he said …“ It makes me feel amazing ” …

Last month , Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Conservative MPs who questioned the transfer of McClintic were ‘ ambulance-chasing politicians ‘…

He later doubled down on that attack after his remarks drew criticism , saying “ If they’re upset , it’s probably because it stings a bit “…

What an asshole !!! …

Deputy Conservative House Leader Lisa Raitt responded by saying the prime minister was showing “ self-righteous indignation that we would actually question him on an issue that’s as important as making sure that convicted killers of children are in appropriate institutions ”…

Despite the uselessness of Turdo Jr. , the usually flawed system managed to get this right without Silver Spoon Boy’s meddling … 

Source: Terri-Lynne McClintic is back in prison, Rodney Stafford says ‘it makes me feel amazing’ | Globalnews.ca

6:13 A.M. Goodale orders tougher rules ?!!!…

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale has ordered Canada’s prison system to tighten transfer policies in the wake of the controversial decision to move child killer Terri-Lynne McClintic to an Indigenous healing lodge … But it’s not yet clear when , or if, McClintic  will be transferred back to a conventional women’s prison , or if she has already been transferred.

Goodale said Correctional Service Canada has been instructed to improve policies related to transfers of ” medium-security women offenders to facilities that do not have a directly controlled perimeter “… ” These changes will help ensure the public’s confidence that our correctional system is holding guilty parties accountable for breaking the law ‎, while fostering their rehabilitation , so we can have fewer repeat offenders , fewer victims , and ultimately safer communities ” Goodale said in a statement.

McClintic , who is serving a life sentence for the brutal rape and murder of eight-year-old Tori Stafford of Woodstock , Ont., was transferred from the Grand Valley Institution for Women near Kitchener , Ont. , to the Okima Ohci Healing Lodge for Aboriginal Women on Nekaneet First Nation in southern Saskatchewan. She is not eligible for parole until 2031 …

Transfer sparked outrage. Tori’s father Rodney Stafford wrote to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appealing to him ‘ father to father ‘ to reverse McClintic’s transfer.

Under the new policy Goodale announced today , transfers will have to be authorized by CSC’s deputy commissioner for women , who will be required to ensure that Indigenous communities are engaged in transfer recommendations.

Factors in evaluating transfers to facilities without a controlled perimeter include :

Length of an offender’s sentence.

Time remaining before an offender is eligible for an Unescorted Temporary Absence.

A requirement that long term offenders be at least into the “preparation for release” phase of their correctional plan.

Institutional behaviour, for those serving long sentences.

Goodale’s spokesman Scott Bardsley said CSC will take steps to apply the new rules as quickly as possible , but did not say if McClintic has been transferred or will be transferred soon.

CSC is not permitted to publicly disclose an inmate’s location , but relays transfer information to registered family members of victims, he said.

Source: Goodale orders tougher rules on prisoner transfers to Indigenous lodges following McClintic uproar | CBC News