California ; ” Math And Racial Justice ” ?!! …

The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California, is hosting a workshop to discuss the role that math plays in the quest for racial justice.

Educators ( ?!!! ) from higher education institutions across the country organized the workshop. The workshop is run by Sonoma State University assistant professor Omayra Ortega and Robin Wilson, a professor at California State Polytechnic University-Pomona.

Other educators involved in the workshop include Caleb Ashley, a professor at Boston College, Ron Buckmire, a mathematician and LGBT activist at Occidental College in California, Duane Cooper, a professor at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Erica Graham, a professor at Bryn Mawr, and Monica Jackson, a dean at American University.

Each is considered a researcher with “expertise or interest in problems at the intersection of mathematics, statistics, and racial justice.”

The push to connect math and social justice is a new and growing phenomenon in academia. With the backing of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ( Oh here we go !!! ) , the Oregon Department of Education released a mathematics guide telling educators that asking students to show their work in math class is a form of white supremacy.

“ White supremacy culture infiltrates math classrooms in everyday teacher actions ” the guide reads. “ Coupled with the beliefs that underlie these actions , they perpetuate educational harm on Black , Latinx, and multilingual students , denying them full access to the world of mathematics.”

The guide offers a year-long framework for “ deconstructing racism in mathematics.” It calls for “ visibilizing [sic] the toxic characteristics of white supremacy culture with respect to math.”

First of all , for the past three or four decades these ‘ educators ‘ have been mangling the English language to compensate for their inability to teach proper English in the first place ! … There was no such word as ‘ visibilize ‘ in the Webster or Oxford dictionary ( first printed in 1828 and 1884 respectively ) for over a century !!! …

Examples of classroom actions that allegedly perpetuate white supremacy include asking students to show their work ( Ya know , the teacher has no business knowing if little Johnny Pagan has actually DONE the homework he was instructed to do … ) , focusing on getting the right answer ( Well that’s just sadistic white bullshit expecting a correct answer !!! ) , tracking student success, and grading students.

Notice how the ‘ Oregon Department of Education ‘ finishes the sentence with the grammatical error of placing a comma before the word and … The comma is used to eliminate the redundancy of too many ‘ ands ‘ in a particular statement … You utilize one or the other … Not both ! …

Is this what we have to offer in ‘ educational expertise ‘ ?!!! …

Source:  The Daily Wire

How ’bout this one …


This is a very disturbing story (Via TheGatewayPundit).  Not only was Brett Blomme a children’s court judge , but he was also the father of two adopted kids. Prosecutors are now asking that he and his husband ( WARNING ! … WARNING ! ) should not have unsupervised contact with any children.

Now follow along with me and see where that red light bulb flashes on in your head !!! …

A Milwaukee County Children’s Court judge and former president and CEO of the Cream City Foundation ( WARNING !!! … WARNING !!! ) , which runs the city’s drag queen story hour program ( RED LIGHT FLASHING !!!! ) , has been arrested on seven counts of child pornography ( BOOOooom !!!!! … NOTHIN’ BUT SMOKE FROM THE SOCKET !!!! ) …

Brett Blomme , 38 , was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly uploading 27 images and videos of children being sexually abused on the messaging app Kik.”