6:50 A.M. Absolute BULLSHIT !!! …

Wilson-Raybould, who like all ministers will get an extra $80,100 in pay and a car with a driver on top of the base $167,400 annual MP salary, said the province will be well-represented not only by the cabinet ministers but by the 14 other Liberal backbenchers elected in the strongest showing by the party in B.C. since 1974.

Well Judy … For that insane amount of money you’d better do a fuck of a lot more than simply ‘ represent ‘ your province !!! … DO SOMETHING !!! … I worked 54 hours a week in a custom stainless steel fabrication shop for 60,000 annual gross !!! … That means I’m down to under 50 grand after the politicians leach their taxes off my paycheck to pamper themselves !!! … Hard , skilled , meticulous labour that provides , among other things , the pharmaceutical industry with the necessary equipment to produce the medicine that people need to survive … 

These assholes not only think that they are worth almost three time more than my efforts … Bear in mind … MY efforts produce tangible results immediately !!! … But they get two thirds of that gross over payment … TAX FREE !!! … And basically ‘ study ‘ issues and offer their opinion !!! … And because Pete Jr has awarded her a cabinet designation … She gets 20,000 dollars more that I have ever earned … ON TOP of the 167,000 … 2/3 TAX FREE … In EXTRA pay … And a fuckin’ taxpayer funded vehicle and driver to cart her lazy ass around !!! …

You and I have to pay taxes and spend a good portion on our transportation before we can even think about pickin’ up a six pack … And we get taxed numerous times along the way !!! …

Great when you can set the rules for everyone else … But ‘ vote ‘ yourselves to be exempt form those rules …

Source: Trudeau sworn in as Canada’s prime minister, three from B.C. named to cabinet

6:10 A.M. Another couple good ones from Knuckledraggin ‘ …

The above is quite an accurate perception … And the following is an entertaining tale that reminds me of my youth …

Ran that motherfucker over with the lawnmower, damn it. I’m all distressed. I’m not sure I killed him because he scooted off behind the gas cans, but his tongue was hanging out and he wasn’t looking real good. Pretty horizontal, you know? He was pretty pissed too. Toady Jones is/was my shed toad. He’s about the size of a Copenhagen can and is pretty damned sociable for a toad. Well, he was before I ran him over, anyways. But all last summer and fall whenever I opened the shed doors he’d be there kicking back in an open spot, not tripping a bit about me interrupting his slack time. Matter of fact, I’d be in there doing whatever I had to do and he’d never run off or try to take cover unless I nudged him if he was in the way. But today? Today he was an asshole and got himself fucked up for it. I was gassing up the mower and noticed him a few feet away and when I got ready to fire it up, I’ll be damned if Toady didn’t shuffle right under the deck. Is he fucking stupid or what? Fuck. I raised the deck and got down on my hands and knees and tried to chase him out with a stick but he wasn’t going for that shit. He wasn’t leaving the overhead cover of that deck to save his life, no pun intended. Finally, I got him back between the rear wheels so I fired up the mower and then got off and looked again to see if he moved because you know me, I believe All Lives Matter, right? He was in the same spot so I jumped in the seat and scooted out, checking behind me as I cleared the door. He was right where the right rear wheel would’ve been and looking pretty damned flat if you ask me. He didn’t appear to be more than a quarter inch thick, right? Sonofabitch, I done run poor Toady over. Fuck me with a great big stick. I jumped off and looked down and there he was laying there, tongue hanging out, deader than a doornail – or so I thought until I poked him with my finger at which point he hopped a couple hops, shot me an accusing look and scooted off behind the gas cans with his tongue still hanging out. He looked butt-hurt as hell, man. Can’t say that I blame him, I’d be pretty butt-hurt if somebody ran me over with a lawnmower too. I thought about chasing him down and rendering first aid until I realized that not only do I not know a fucking thing about what do do if the victim has been run down by a lawn tractor and it’s tongue is hanging out but I also don’t know a fucking thing about toads in general other than they eat bugs and shit. I’d probably do more harm than good I damned sure couldn’t take it to a vet. He’d look at me like I was crazy and then offer me 5 bucks for it so they could catch a hawg bass that couldn’t tell the difference between a frog and a toad. Pro Tip – If it’s swimming it’s a frog. If it’s drowning, it’s probably a toad. Then he’d call the local paper and say “Hey Jimmy John, you ain’t gonna believe this but…..” and the next thing I know I’d be The Macon County Chronicle’s main headline for the next three weeks. Motherfucker’s would laugh me out of the Tractor Supply and probably physically assault me at the Farmer’s Co-op.

Source: Knuckledraggin My Life Away | Where Bad Choices Make Good Stories

5:54 A.M. Harjit Sajjan … Lying , dirtbag wog politician !!! …

Defense minister Harjit Sajjan was not “the architect” of Canada’s biggest battle since the Korean War as he claimed in a speech in India last week, according to the chief of operations for NATO in southern Afghanistan during Operation Medusa in 2006. Lt.-Col. Shane Schreiber (ret.) said, “Harj the soldier probably would not have said that. Harj the politician did, thinking that he could get away with it. When you are careless with words as a politician that can haunt you.” Sajjan apologized Thursday to those who served with him in Afghanistan after his claim to have been the mastermind of Medusa was criticized “as a bald-faced lie” by an officer deeply familiar with the battle plan and other officers who knew about or were part of its genesis.

“What I should have said was that our military successes are the result of the leadership, service and sacrifice of the many dedicated women and men in the Canadian Forces,” Sajjan said in a statement. “I regret that I didn’t say this then, but I want to do so now.” Schreiber, who served on Canada’s first combat tour in Kandahar only months after the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., said Medusa had “many architects. He was not one of them.” “Harj probably realized it was wrong to take total credit,” said Schreiber, who left the Canadian Forces in 2012 and now lives in northern Alberta.  “I would say that he lives in a different world now. Any good soldier would not try to steal another soldier’s honour. But it is different when you are a politician.”

Face it Harj , You’re full of shit and you got caught !!! … You should resign and forfeit ALL of your over blown salary and ‘ retirement ‘ tax dollars for a job that you were NEVER qualified to do !!! … You were ‘ gifted ‘ the job by a pampered , ‘ no sense of reality ‘ prime minister who was simply going after the wog vote to gain power in the governing of this decaying country by choosing you any many others for his cabinet !!! …

But hey !!! … Let’s just take another selfie while we wait for the budget to balance itself !!! …


Source: Harjit Sajjan the soldier wouldn’t have claimed credit for being ‘architect’ of operation, top NATO officer says | National Post

4:18 P.M. OH WOE IS ME !!! I’M OFFENDED !!! BOO HOOooo !!! …

Star Trek inspired licence plate deemed offensive in Manitoba …  

Manitoba’s public insurance company has revoked a Star Trek inspired custom licence plate after receiving complaints that it’s offensive  … Nick Troller’s two-year-old plate reads “ASIMIL8.” Troller keeps it inside a licence plate holder that says: “WE ARE THE BORG. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.” He says Trekkies will recognize that it’s a reference to the cyborg villains who bellowed “you will be assimilated” on various Star Trek series and movies. He says strangers have complimented him on the plate and taken photos. … “I thought it was funny,” he said …

But Troller got a phone call Wednesday from someone at Manitoba Public Insurance, who he says told him two ( TWO !!! …)  people had complained that the word “assimilate” is offensive to indigenous people. The dictionary definitions of assimilate include “to absorb into the cultural tradition of a population or group” and “to take into the mind and thoroughly understand.” Troller disagrees that it’s offensive. On Thursday, he was served with a letter that states: “…it has been brought to the attention of this office that the personalized plate ASIMIL8 is considered offensive.” The letter demanded that he “surrender” the plate immediately. The letter says Troller can either get a new personalized plate or a refund on the $100 charge.


“But that’s not the point,” he says. “We’ve become way too sensitive. You can’t say anything anymore to anybody.”

Ry Moran, from the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, is among those who agree with MPI that the word “assimilate” is too offensive to be on a licence plate. “For basically the entirety of this country’s history, indigenous peoples have been forcibly assimilated through really extremely destructive means and ways,” he said. Moran added that “words like that, meant or not, have an actual impact on many people.” MPI’s policy states that “plates cannot contain a slogan that could be considered offensive.” MPI said in a statement that it takes such complaints “very seriously” and will investigate why the plate was approved in the first place. Licence plates are property of the Crown and there is no appeal process.

Troller’s situation is reminiscent of a controversy in Nova Scotia, where a man named Lorne Grabher’s personalized GRABHER plate was revoked after a complaint that it was offensive to women. The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms said earlier this month that it plans to sue the Nova Scotia government over the revocation, which it sees as an infringement on freedom of expression. The JCCF’s John Carpay said the GRABHER licence plate revocation is part of a wider trend in Canadian society. “Canadians are becoming increasingly less tolerant of free expression,” he said. “You have more and more people who believe that they have a legal right to go through life without seeing or without hearing things they find to be offensive.”

People like these TWO complainers and this Ry MORON asshole , that obvviously have very little to do of any value to the world , should smarten the fuck up and try a make something of themselves !!! …

Source: Star Trek inspired licence plate deemed offensive in Manitoba | CTV News

8:55 A.M. FINALLY !!!… Thumbs up to ‘ the Donald ‘ !!! …

President Donald Trump , showing his backbone, let MOAB do the talking … After years of a feeble Barack Obama leading from behind ( allowing North Korea to spit in our face, Syria’s Bashar Assad to gas his own people and ISIS to commit genocide ) we finally have a commander in chief who will stand up to killers !!! …

On the campaign trail, Trump said he’d “bomb the (expletive)” out of ISIS once he took office. And boy did he ever ! … By way of a “Mother of all Bombs” dropped on ISIS tunnels in eastern Afghanistan yesterday … 

MORBNOTE ; This is what G.W. Bush should have done on Sept / 12 2001 !!! …

The GBU-43, with 11 tons of punch, is the most powerful non-nuclear bomb in the U.S. military’s arsenal. Bravo to Gen. John Nicholson , commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan , for authorizing the unprecedented strike aimed at an underground ISIS facility used to train recruits. Like rooting rats out of a sewer, the MOAB targeted jihadi vermin who kill and maim anybody who prays to a different God.

MORBNOTE II ; Ya see folks … This shit will NEVER get sorted out ’til everyone comes to understand that there is NO VALIDITY to these human created fantasies of any sort of supreme being !!! …

U.S. Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.), a 12-year Army veteran who lost limbs fighting the War on Terror in Kandahar, Afghanistan, in 2010, told me last night that when America clashes with ISIS and other terror groups, we must “fight to win.” Their “ideology will not stand,” he urged. That’s the message sent yesterday. President Trump was smart to use the MOAB instead of deploying combat soldiers to fight ISIS inside the tunnels. He spared America the agony of losing our finest. Following the cruise missile strike in Syria, Trump continues to send a very clear message to ISIS, the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, North Korea, Russia, Iran and Assad … He’s not a paper lion …

He understands that diplomacy without military force is vacuous. Animals like Assad, Kim Jong Un and the Islamic State only respect force.

Well done Donald !!!…

Source: Adriana Cohen: Bombing shows Donald Trump standing up for us | Boston Herald